Belt Weighing Systems For All Applications. is the online store for WestWeigh Controls Limited, a UK-based manufacturer and supplier of belt weighing systems and associated equipment. Our extensive range includes belt weighing systems, speed sensors, tilt switches, load cells, data loggers, and much more besides.

Hundreds of our systems have been fitted to machines manufactured by leading companies including: Anaconda, CDE Global, Terex Pegson, Extec, Terex Finlay, GIPO, Hartl, Kleemann, Metso, McCloskey, Parker, Powerscreen, Rubblemaster, Svedala, S.B.M., Tesab and Telestack. 

Our after sales technical support is highly acclaimed. It is supplied free of charge by telephone, fax or email and this can be arranged to suit the time zone of the customer. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please give us a call on 01256 886427 or email for a quick response from our helpful, knowledgeable staff.